90th Anniversary Special Event Station

February 10, 2013
An upcoming Special Event Station is being planned for April 13, 2013 to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the BVARA.

Stay tuned to our club newsletter for more details including frequencies, times, modes, and special awards!


Proposed Amendment to BVARA By Laws

September 9, 2011
At the September 8, 2011 regular club meeting, the general membership approved the following:

Motion to amend Constitution and By-Laws, Article 7 Section I.  If a member or non-member requests the BVARA to sell used amateur radio equipment, the BVARA shall receive a consignment fee of 50% unless the equipment is directly donated to the BVARA.

As per the BVARA's By Laws, this motion has been posted to the club website and will appear in the next issue of the eQRM newsletter.

A final vote to appro...

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Section News - May 2011

June 14, 2011
From the ARRL

The next few weeks will be filled with a lot of activities for area hams. This weekend will be the annual Armed Forces cross band exercise. Amateurs can contact various services while working split and make a contact with these groups. It is a fun event and also a good exercise in operating your equipment in the split operation mode.

Next week is the annual Dayton hamvention. I know many area clubs and individuals will be making the trek to Ohio for the event. There will be ...
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